Mindful of it, and its nearby
rushing past
its sandy banks, and
knowing from Whom it flows, and why,
is a grace-minded man.¹
Wading boldly into its depths
every day,
all day, up
to and over his head, even
drinking it in from head to toe, is a
grace-minded man.
Swimming confident there
that his sins are
forgiven, once
for all; and that he is
loved without end from within is a
grace-minded man.
Diving courageously to its
relying on
the Spirit inside to live through
him to transform not conform, is a
grace-minded man.
Carried away by its non-stop
realizing the
importance of trusting and
resting in its go grow flow, is a grace-
minded man.
And landing ashore along
the way
to slake another's
desperate thirst for
love, and mercy too, is a grace
filled man.²
Romans 12:2a
Grace—unmerited/unearned favor/merit
living in God's Grace:
1. Doesn't insist on being
right, but seeks
to make things right
2. Willing to be inconvenienced
3. Seeks the welfare of
other persons
4. Speaks words that build
up, not tear
5. Doesn't demand to be
heard, but strives
to listen
6. Focuses on others needs
instead of
their own
7. Acts with humility, not
8. Doesn't keep score
9. Looks for ways to help
and encourage
10. Freely forgives and
11. Seeks always to understand
12. Doesn't expect a return
n favor
13. Focuses on what's important
what's urgent
14. Doesn't pick and choose
whom to
show mercy
15. Doesn't overlook sin,
but encourages
to choose to not do it
More to a grace-minded person:
A grace-minded person knows
the truth,
and is often at odds with what
natural senses declare
A grace-minded person knows
there is
more than what is heard and seen, that
there's a reality of spirit unseen
A grace-minded person knows
the world
is often much less reliable than
that portrayed in God's Word
A grace-minded person understands
the natural world bends to
the authority of spiritual
A grace-minded person realizes
miracles are the result of
the spiritual world having its way
A grace-minded person knows
that having faith makes God happy |