

No beginning,
but an ever flowing
blessing to us,
without end.

Breathing out,
echos loosed
like the wind,
then all back in.

Holy sound,
vibrations pure,
then all is still
and silent too.

Through Him
all things come
from nothing
to be something.

Abwoon,¹ Alaha,²
once among us,
still so close.

¹Abwoon is Aramaic for "Father, I will obey."

²Alaha is Aramaic for "God."

³d'bwashmaya is Aramaic for "God is close."

Jesus' native tongue was Aramaic, and more
than likely spoke to His disciples in that
language, one common to them all.

'Abwoon' is the first word of the Lord's
Prayer that Jesus taught His disciples.

'd'bwashmaya' is the following phrase in
the Lord's Prayer, "Who art in Heaven."

A cool acronym spells out the specifics
of Who Abwoon is:

A...Alaha, absolute unity, source of life,
bw...the constant flow of creative blessing
           from Alaha to His people
oo...breath of the Spirit of God, all energy
n...vibrated meaning of 'bw'

by J Alan R
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