
Already but Not Quite Yet

Thanks be to God, for now
   we live in Already but Not Quite Yet.
And we look forward to soon
   live for eternity in Forever Glory Be.
Believing, we are already subjects
   in His kingdom, but see it not quite yet.

Seated in the heavenly realm,
   Jesus wears the Crown of Authority,
And continues to this very day
   making us mansions in the New Eden,
Where joy, peace and gladness
   will forever fill our hearts with song.

In our waiting, how are we quiet?
   Already raised in Christ, why does
Our exuberance not so shout out:
   "People of the world, life matters!
God loves you! God loves you!
   Don't be afraid! Listen to His Son!"

Take with as many as you can!
   Life's not meant to be a solo flight.
Treasures in this present age
   have no value in the age to come.
We all get to choose; the prince
   of this realm or the King of kings?

In the end, it will be those
   who chose Jesus that He will
      wrap His arms around, and carry
         from here to His Forever Glory Be.*

Hebrews 2:8-9
John 18:36
1 John 3:2
Romans 8:19, 23, 30
Ephesians 1:3, 21, 2:6
Isaiah 51:3
Matthew 16:18
Psalm 110
Galatians 1:4
2 Corinthians 5:17-20

*inspired by the writing of Ardel

by J Alan R
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