The Baker
For opening day,
The Baker made batches of cookies
For sale in His new store,
Oatmeal raisin, peanut butter
chocolate chip,
They all looked so good.

So odd, though, when
The peanut butter cookies
Denied there was a Baker,
Telling customers true,
They evolved from
Sandwiches half-made.

So confusing it was, too, when
The chocolate chip cookies
Claimed another Baker entirely
Worked long and hard
To make them so.

So silly it was as well when
The oatmeal raisin cookies
Protested they weren�t instead
Made chocolate chip.

There are always those, of course
In every batch, who contend
They mix their own cookie dough.

And The Baker said,
"It's all good!"

Genesis, chapters 1 and 2

by J Alan R

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