As the ark,
without sail or
rudder to steer,
kept Noah dry,
It was the hand of God
that carried it through
the world's worst flood,
and led it to the mountain top...
And that was enough for
As a fishing boat,
covered with waves
and beaten by the sea,
kept the apostles afloat,
It was the voice of Jesus
that stilled the violent winds
and calmed the raging sea,
landing on the distant shores...
And that was enough for
Peter's crew.
On this orb,
like with the ark
and fishing boat,
I float high and dry,
But it is by the Grace of
that whatever storms do swell,
whatever waves threaten me,
I can find the cape* of destiny...
And that has to be enough
for me.
Genesis 7 and 8
Matthew 8:23-27
Mark 4:36-41
Luke 8:22-25
Ephesians 1:11
*a cape is a point of land
jutting out into
the sea
See this poem @ His Newsman |