When I became one of God's
He placed deep within
A compulsion, a yearning
To talk with Him,
A longing to commune,
To have divine dialogue¹
of the heart.
And when I do,
With Him commune,
His Holy Spirit breathes
through me,
Invisible sighs from my
Lifted up,
And leaning my heart's ear
Softly into the silence,
I hear His love
Lent down.
He speaks,
Sometimes words audible,
But mostly, notions not
my own,
Then in Him
I live and move
And just be,
No matter the hell
Swirling about to steal
His peace from me,
And I rest
Needing nothing more,
All I need is Thee.
Matthew 21:21
Acts 17:28
Psalm 19:14
¹inspired by an article
"Divine Dialogue," by Anne
Costa. |