His blood cries out from
The place of the skull in
The sand floor of the Coliseum’s
The wind-swept deserts of
the Sahara
The golden-wheat plains
of Hispania
The limestone chunks across
The killing fields of Confuscianism
The ground beneath French
The forests floor of Hamidian
The boots of marauding Bolsheviks
The red-stained rainforests
of the Congo
The palms strewn in the
streets of Tanna
The leveled churches across
Sri Lanka
The heads left in the streets
of Raqqa
And so many other bloody
lands since.
His blood cries out, not
for vengeance
But for a nobler cause,
more gracious
Mercy, forgiveness and reconciliation
For a new world united by
one true King.
Won't you listen?
Can't you hear?
Shall we together agree?
In one Jesus Christ
our only chance for
an everlasting harmony.
Genesis 4:10
Deuteronomy 21:1-9
Hebrews 12:24 |