
For the Love of the Lamb

As disciples of the Lamb
every day we enter His world,
not the other way around.
In following the Lamb
we watch Him, listen to Him
no matter where He goes.

We give our lives to the Lamb,
We give our souls to Him,
We put all else above Him.
Our hearts and minds musn't
stray far from the Lamb's gaze,
as we feel blessed to be in it.

We fight our way every day
through every distraction that
threatens to interfere.
True disciples are in it for life,
willing to make any sacrifice,
doing whatever is required.

All waking hours are Lamb hours,
no compensation is needed, and
working in obscurity preferred.
Complaints are not allowed,
and bitterness has no place,
only thanks for such grace.

Daily tasks are never mundane
as each and every day is seen
as yet another chance to glorify.
Living as paupers in the midst
of the greatest of worldly wealth,
must in the end be chalked up to
'For the love of the Lamb.'¹

¹Interestingly, in his wonderful
book entitled The Horse God Built,
The Untold Story of Secretariat,
Lawrence Scanlan writes about the
unrivaled dedication that a race-
horse groom must have. Eddie
Sweat, Secretariat's groom appar-
ently exemplified this high degree
of dedication "for the love of the
horse", and I could not help notic-
ing how much being a true disciple
of Jesus Christ is a lot like what
Scanlan described. You be the

by J Alan R
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