Laid upon His shoulders
and bound securely there,
Every sin we committed,
past, present and future,
Once, for all, Jesus carried
them to the top of a cross,
Not one Him dare sparing,
bent on dumping each and every
into the deepest and darkest of pits.
Having tasted sour wine,
Jesus said: "It is finished!"
And then bowing His head,
He breathed His last.
As His very last breath
untied sins across all time,
They fell from Jesus' back
end over end over end over...
Tumbling forever far as
the North is from the South,
Along with the author of
and his entourage of deception
into the bottomless of sulfur and fire.
Truth from here be told,
We now know the Truth,
And as we believe, the Truth
sets us forever free.¹
Psalm 103:12
Isaiah 53:6
1 John 1:2; 1:9; 2:2
Matthew 27:50
John 8:31-32; 19:28-30
Micah 7:18-19
Hebrews 8:12; 10:11-17
Revelation 19:20; 20:10;
¹the many ways to describe
what Jesus
did by dying for our sins
upon the cross:
He forgives our sins
covers our sins with His blood
removes our sins from us
as far as the East is from
the West
washes us of our sins
throws them all behind His back,
to not be seen anymore
sweeps away our transgressions
remembers our sins no more
casts all our sins into the depths
of the sea |