With dreams of someday
golden buzzering
the AGT,
alley-oop dunking in the NBA,
belting out Broadway stoppers,
even en pointing at the Bolshoi,
The hardest thing
is knowing
to let the ball go,
to turn the mic off,
to let the curtains close,
or to hang up the slippers.
When all the chasing slows,
or comes to
a standstill stop,
and moving ahead is no more,
The time has perhaps arrived
to let go of
that which is wanted
and let God do through all of us
what He planned from the start.¹
Jeremiah 29:11
¹From the day I was born
again, called
to follow Jesus Christ as
my Lord and
Savior, I wanted to be a
church pastor.
I prepared for the day I
thought would
surely come, when I would
stand in a
church's pulpit and lead
a congregation,
but those plans always seemed
to fall
short, no matter what I
did to make it
happen. It has only been
the last few
years that I realized I
was getting in
God's way with my plans
for working for
His kingdom. I was forcing
my plans and
sadly sidelining what He
wanted for and
from me before I was ever
born. He made
me to write, and writing
for Him is what
I now do, that's my ministry,
and those
who read my writing are
my congregation,
much bigger than any I could
reach from
the confines of one church. |