
Good Morning, Red!

Good Morning, Red!

"Good morning, your eminence!"
     I say when I first spy his presence.

Perched upon the dais
     of his holiness' arbor throne,
His scarlet robe a-flutter,
     his flaming galero a-crest.
It's our daily sunrise ritual,
     his breast all a-puff,
          both wings full a-wave
               as if to say a warm hello.

And from my window I offer
a cheerful and familiar assent,
"Good morning, Red!"*

Psalm 104:12

*I love Cardinals. Not the St. Louis
or Arizona sports variety, but the
take-to-the-air aviary kind. A
Cardinal has claimed our back yard
and seed trough as his own. Most
every day I see him sitting still on
a limb of his favorite tree, right
before he dive-bombs the seed scat-
tered upon the ground. This poem is
a tribute to our relationship. May
it make you smile inside.

by J Alan R
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