
Grace Space

Part 1 of Grace Space:

"Savings Grace"

At the ocean of God's great love for me,
Standing on the shore of the imminence
   of the second death,
I felt the first waves of His mercy
   tugging subtly at my toes,
Drawing me away from the shore
   and toward a more permanent
      cradling in its great depths.
An unknown courage then welled up
   in me, beginning to ebb and flow,
      almost flirtatiously,
To not just receive, but to surrender
   to the fact that I am not perfect,
But that somehow in this space
     I most certainly can be.

John 1:16
Acts 4:33
Romans 1:1-5, 6:14
1 Corinthians 15:10
2 Corinthians 8:9, 12:9
Ephesians 2:4-7
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
Hebrews 4:16
1 Peter 5:10
Philemon 25

Part 2 of Grace Space:

"Living Grace"

Having since given in
   to the undertow pulling me
      further and further away from
         the rocky snags on the beach
            where I once cast my thin lines,
I now swim parallel to the shore,
   letting God's gracious current carry me,
       wherever He wants me to go.
Swirling in the eddies of His
   daily enabling,
The Holy Spirit inside teaches me
   how to resist biting down on the lures
      of the evil and lust of the now
          distant shore.
Perfected not by my own stroke,
   but in the sinlessness of the Son,
God's made a space for me,
   for us all,
Where we can grow, to live
   like Christ,
And invite others along the way
   to do the same.

Matthew 28:18

by J Alan R
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