Heaven's window¹
is wide open
as God's
grace pours through,
Like the midnight sun shining,²
it washes
all the dark away.
God alone does the honors,
the opening
and closing, and
All the pouring too, but
choose in faith to let its
waves carry us further away.
God's grace is our chance
to let
go of our will, and be swept
Away in the embrace of His,³
to release our grip on this
world's dark illusion, and in faith
fully accept the reality that is His.
Hebrew imagery of the "windows
of heaven" opening always
seems to
convey a sense of abundant
ing, whether in torrents
of rain, ex-
treme judgment, plenty of
food, or a
profusion of blessings.
In every ins-
tance, God is the One who
can open
and close such a window.
sun...when the sun appears
at midnight, when the sky
is normally
a vast darkness. This particular
ing is most visible for
six months a
year at the Article Pole,
and as far
south as Northern Norway.
grace is the opportunity to
abandon our will so that
we can em-
brace His." Billy Holland |