Bernadette² met Jean-Pierre³
on an old Paris dance floor,
Their feet flitting the
night away to the Bal-musette⁴.
She knew she'd love forever
this man, like none before,
For from the first tremolo⁵,
she knew her heart was set.
Then came 'the accident,'
and Bernadette found she now
Must dance for two, as her
love slipped into a silent sleep.
He, once so light upon his
feet, as neither still knew how,
Needed hers to keep moving
so their music would keep.
It mattered not that Jean-Pierre's
life was that of an invalid,
Able to open his eyes, but
not to see, or even conscious be.
Not sure if he could still
hear, Bernadette talked as if he did,
Seeking to share a life
she knew might only be for her to see.
The world told her to let
go, to leave him as left for dead,
But not Bernadette, for
as long as Jean-Pierre still breathed
She would be his wife, and
would proceed without dread,
And live life loving with
her all, her one and only betrothed.
Thirty-nine years, she fed
her Jean-Pierre five times a day,
Meals that took a toll all
their own on her in their preparation.
She flexed his arms and
legs so his muscles wouldn't go away,
No wires, no tubes, no machines,
just a wife's determination.
Bernadette convinced herself
he could smell her perfume
As his nose always twitched,
straining to catch the scent,
That he knew full well whenever
she entered his room,
That he even knew when his
birthday flowers were present.
Thirty-nine years, with every
day full of hope he'd awaken,
Bernadette lived life believing
Jean-Pierre was still at hand,
Just in a different way
than the day their vows were taken.
Letting go of the love of
her life was never part of the plan.
Thirty-nine years, Bernadette
and the Lord kept death at bay,
Until it was finally time
to go, and his grave claimed its prize.
Still, she carries on, planting
flowers, talking to him every day,
Her love for her beautiful,
sleeping man, is forever in her eyes.
John 15:12-13, 3:16
Ephesians 5:25 (in reverse)
Mark 10:9
Galatians 5:13
I John 4:9-11
¹An Unbreakable Love: The
Story of French Soccer Star Jean-Pierre
Adams in a 39-Year Coma,
and the Wife Who Never Left His Side--
Thompson, March 10, 2022
²Bernadette: brave as a
³Jean-Pierre: God is merciful
⁴Bal-musette: a style of
French dance music, usually accompanied
by an accordion
⁵Tremolo: a single note
on an accordion with a trembling effect |