When I think of Him,
what He went through
for everyone, not just me,
I cry breathless.
How He could do that,
how we are at all worthy
to ever be so loved like that?
I cry breathless.
How can I pay Him back
though I know I can never,
He gave His life so willingly.
I cry breathless.
He was hated and bullied,
spat upon and beaten near
enough to so bloody a death.
I cry breathless.
All this to pay a price I
and my fellow humans
rang up on the register.
I cry breathless.
Such pain for sins He
did not plan or commit,
but in my place suffered.
I cry breathless.
I am told while He died
He thought of all of us,
and love kept Him going.
I cry breathless.
I want to have protected
Him, but He didn't need it.
He spoke for Himself silently.
I cry breathless.
I can't imagine any parent
watching their child suffer
and then die, for any reason.
I cry breathless.
All this crying started when
I asked for Jesus' forgiveness
and saw how much He loved me.
I cry breathless.
Now when I read His Word
I get to know Him even better
and tears fall over and over again.
I cry breathless.
He loved us all so much,
He had so much compassion,
He was nothing but godly good.
I cry breathless.
So many did not know how
truly blessed they were to live,
to have shared space with Him.
I cry breathless.
They had such a treasure,
straight from Heaven He was,
they just couldn't quite believe.
I cry breathless.
I cannot wrap my heart around
such love, I can scarcely grasp it,
the blinding pain, the flooding emotion.
I cry breathless.
What do I do with it all?
From it, I cannot run, and
faint, I just might. The best
I can do is to let go and fall
deep into the well of a love
that has not a bottom at all.
I cry breathless in His
not breaths He was trying to maintain,
but breaths He was striving to give away.
John 3:16-21
*based on a Quora post by
"Jess," Nov. 21 |