In the upper room,
Jesus, for whom we left every thing
followed His every step, and hung
upon His every word,
Washed our dirty feet.
Said one of us would betray Him.
And said our leader would deny Him,
not once, but times three.
We were confused.
Wouldn't you be?
In the upper room,
He told us He would be leaving,
and that we couldn't follow just now.
He said He would soon be killed,
and that those who hated Him so
would hate us as well.
We were scared.
And He could tell.
In the upper room,
When He knew we could bear
no more,
When His efforts to soften the blow
were of little to no use,
When our confusion and fear was
giving way to sorrow,
He led us to the garden of hope.
He fed us the stuff of faith.
He said what needed saying,
even though we couldn't hear
all He saith.
In the upper room,
Three days after being crucified,
Jesus rose from the dead and met
us where we hid,
Wiping away forever the tears
of weeping and lament,
And replacing all sorrow
with a joy that would last us
years beyond our years.¹
John 13-17
¹Jesus promised us we would
see Him again,
and we did, indeed. He made
the same
promise when He ascended
into Heaven, that
He would come back to take
us, once for all,
back home. Joy will be upon
joy when He
does it again. Amen? |