
Jesus' Bride

Jesus chose for Himself a bride
  to be His once for all eternity wife,
But His choice proved ungodly,
  and the wedding bells He longed
     to hear as yet were not going to ring.
Jesus loves His bride without end,
  adoring her as He would His own body,
Even though she was unfaithful,
  and the first dance He so wanted
     to dance would not as yet be seen.
Jesus wants to cleanse His bride's
  soiled reputation, to be without stain,
Though the world knows well her sin,
  He was willing to do whatever it took
    to present her without blemish again.
Jesus wants to covenant with His
  bride, promises they both will keep,
Despite a long history of failing to
  hold up her end of previous bargains,
    slipping a ring on her finger has to wait.
Jesus' bride* is us, my brothers and
  sisters true, we are His holy church,
And He is determined to prepare us
  to walk the long aisle to the altar there,
    wearing only wedding white, most pure.

1 Peter 2:9
Ephesians 1:4, 22, 23
Ephesians 5:22, 25, 29
Colossians 1:18, 24
Revelation 13:8, 19:7-9, 21:2
Isaiah 54:5
John 14:1-3
Mark 10:45

*inspired by the writing of David Mathis
and Susan Geringer

by J Alan R
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