
Our Minds and Hearts Must Marry

To those with ears to hear,
   with eyes to see, with feet to run,
      and with hands to do the work:

For all believers to come fully
   into the kingdom of heaven,
And for the Kingdom of Heaven
   to come fully to all believers
      on the earth,
Our minds and hearts,
   both individually and collectively,
Must thee wed in holy matrimony;
   our minds and hearts must marry.¹

To have perfect and constant peace,
to be focused on only Thee,
to marry,
both the mind and the heart
of every believer,
as well as the overall church,
must know and believe
the only safe place is beneath God's wings,
and to trust that to be true
by actually taking forever refuge there.

To love the Lord your God with your all,
to have no other gods before Thee,
to marry,
both the mind and the heart
of every believer,
as well as the overall church,
must know and believe
there is no other God but You,
and to prove that to be true by obeying
His every command.

Here comes the Groom!
May the Bride be ready!

Isaiah 26:3
Mark 12:30

¹Marriage is a metaphor for the biblical
and scientific concept of 'coherence,'
a state of internal harmony where your
thoughts, emotions, and intentions are
unified, where you experience tremendous
unity and peace within yourself, a great
and even overwhelming love for God, and
a deeper connection to and love for
those around you.

Scientifically speaking, this marriage
occurs when you shift into a state where
the heart and brain operate synergisti-
cally, like two systems that mesh into
one...a state of unity between your mind,
body, and spirit...which allows you to be
more present and aware, where your body
can heal itself more effectively, and
function at its godly intended optimal

by J Alan R
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