Not a fisherman, nor a vintner,
or even a herder
of sheep was He,
But born the son of a carpenter,
a carpenter
Jesus was meant to be.
Apprenticing under His father,
Jesus learned
the carpenter chore,
But upset His hometown when
He claimed
to be so much more.
Joseph taught his eldest
the art of
dovetail and such joinery,
As well as mortise and tenon,
and for this
known understandably.
But when He taught so expertly,
even doing
miracles along the way,
His own relatives could
not see
past who they
knew before that day.
What could this mere carpenter
possibly have
to say that we would
Follow Him instead of our
All we know
is He is good with wood.
For even His own apprentices
did not know
it was this carpenter
Who would soon go to build
house for them
in Heaven's forever.
From the carpenter's apprentice
would many
such apprentices come,
And from them would be even
We are each
so called, and then some.
Jesus set us like posts in
this place,
from which
He builds up every frame.
Jesus bobbed us to vertical
and then dedicated
us all in His name.
We are to continue this tradition,
whatever shaping needed.
Jesus was the first of many,
and we
never the last,
must be so conceded.
Mark 6:1-6
Matthew 13:53-58
John 14:1-3 |