From a mere tree,
the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil,
sin entered this world,
But from a single tree,
the tree of punishment
for all man's disobedience,
sin was forgiven for a world
yet to come.
The cross was ours.
The first tree was not
to be ours,
Though the second
most certainly was,
our deserved punishment,
But thanks be to God,
it was became the place
of Christ's greatest victory.
The cross was ours.
The cross was for us,
but Jesus
took it so by
believing we'd be set free.
Out of unmerited favor
came the withholding of
consequences so deserved.¹
The cross was ours.
Rough and so splintery,
stained with blood and gore,
our backs will not have to suffer,
Love staggered up Calvary,
love shouldered humanity's sin,
and love died so we did not have to.
The cross was ours,
but now it's forever His.²³⁴
Hebrews 12:2-3
1 Peter 2:24
the 1st tree (The Tree
of the Knowledge of Good
and Evil in the
Garden of Eden), satan triumphed
God's creation, man sinned
and was
thrown naked into darkness,
but by the
2nd tree (a Roman Cross)
Jesus was vic-
torious over sin and evil,
man was given
a means to be forgiven and
enter fully
clothed in Jesus into the
light of eternity.
Bobosh |