Edom I hated
And laid to waste its mountains
And left its heritage
to the jackals of the wilderness,
But Israel I loved
And restored to splendor
its land
And led its heirs
to fly with eagles in the skies.
Like Cain, Esau asks why?
Though Abel and Jacob know:
When you offer the blind,
lame and sick as sacrifice,
Is that not evil?
The eye of the devil.
When you sacrifice at all,
offering with a weary sneer,
Is that not evil?
The eye of the devil.
When you profane to honor,
yet despise my Holy name,
Is that not evil?
The eye of the devil.
Yes, Esau I hated,
But Jacob I loved.
I have no pleasure in you,
None for what you don't
I'm sure to you that sounds
I'd much rather you so sought
The Eyes of God.
Malachi 1 and 2*
*God loves whom He chooses
to love
(the Israelites and not
the Edomites),
but .He
love .those
among .whom
who take His love to heart.
Included in the Parade
of Prophets
collection. |