Ehye Asher Ehye (I Am that
I Am)
Elohim (He is Great, the
living God)
El Shaddai (He is Almighty,
above all)
Adonai (He is Lord, over
El Asah (He Created, out
of nothing)
El Bara (He Made, from something)
Yod-Hev-Vav-Heh (God Made
man, us)
El Roi (He Sees, everything
and everyone)
Yaweh (God of Israel and
Emmanuel (God With, came
to be with us)
Yeshua (In the Midst, stayed
to be in us)
El Shomri (God Protects,
our protector)
Shamayim (us with Him in
There and back, in His Names. |