God isn't just holy,
He's holy, holy, holy.
And all the universe
Reflects His glory,
every last speck.
Standing there before
His heavenly throne,
Unable to avoid stepping
on the train
of His robe, stretched across the sky,
Isaiah was undone.
And when God's seraphim
the posts of Heaven-declared
shook to their foundation, then
smoke filled the space of rare air.
I am not worthy!
I am sinful man!
I am not I am!
One of God's seraphim took
a live ball of fire from an altar,
Then touched his lips with
and took away his sin;
God wanted it that way.
Isaiah was undone.
Here I am.
Send me.
I will go.
Then God said, now go!
Tell the truth to the people
so their ears will grow heavy
so they will shut their eyes
so they do not understand
so they do not repent
and be gathered back to Me.
Isaiah was undone.
How long?
And God said
until all that remains
of the dark, dark forest
are the stumps of the Oak
and the Terebinth tree.
Then I will come for
the holy seeds of all
the trees I cut down.
Isaiah was undone.
Isaiah 6 |