I am jealous.
My heart hurts.
I made you, and yet
You worship another.
I am angry.
My heart burns.
I loved you, and yet
You love another.
Mountains! Hills!
Hear my cry!
Ravines! Valleys!
It is I.
With a sword,
I will lop
Your high places off.
With but a word,
I will fill in
Your depths.
In your bosom
I will lay the corpses,
Of those you led astray.
Across your lap
I will scatter the bones
You called aside.
Keep your hands off
The few I choose to
They will witness
My hand against you.
They will remember
My holy fury.
They will lift their hands
And drop to their knees,
They will see I am the
They will know forever
Who I Am.
Ezekiel 6 |