
Without Feather One

More than anything with feathers,¹
True hope is the resurrection of Jesus
which breaks the bonds of sin that
shackle us to the depths of hopelessness
and death in this dark world
and empowers us instead to soar
by the power of the Spirit
into the light of the high heavens.²
True hope continues to be a person
without feather one,
who can help us to spread our wings
and fly.

John 8:34
Romans 15:13
Luke 4:14-30
Isaiah 61:1

¹"Hope is the thing with feathers"
is the first line and title of a poem
by Emily Dickinson, describing the
essence of hope in human beings

²true hope is from God, through
His Son's sinless life, sacrificial
death, and empowering resurrec-

by J Alan R
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