The Wayback Machine -


“How beautiful on the mountain are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion:      ‘Your God reigns!’” Isaiah 52:7


Herbs in My Hands

These words poured out the other day after I picked herbs from my modest backyard garden.... Picking herbs from my garden flourishing --...

My First Love

(reads more like a song) On days I feel the sun, And in my soul it shines, In my heart I easily see. You are forever mine. My love, my...

I Crawl

I step back I crouch I crawl I stop I step back I cry -- Too hard, I say You reach You touch You hold You lift me up I step I walk I hold...


The words of this poem streamed through my mind driving home after a message at church. I was reminded of many things....but the truth...

Victory Rode In

Victory rode in On a street of wobbly cobblestone Seated on a fair donkey’s back Fate that waited was His alone A humble man From the...

Rescue Me

Shepherd do you hear me bleating in the woods? I cannot move I cannot find my way out you see… I wandered off looking for my own way free...