
The Liar's Mask

Masks are to hide,
   as lies are to deceive.
Be not deceived
   by the liar's mask.

Great signs Christ
   will not do when He
      comes again.
Wonders performed
   will not accompany
      His return.

He told us all ahead
   of time, how He
      will come:
Like lightning from
   the east is seen
      in the west,
Come surely He will
   upon the clouds,
      and every eye
         will see.
Any other way will
   be like vultures
      circling death;
The gettin's good,
   but life's not in
      the helping.

My brothers, and
   sisters too, surviving
     each tempting day
        means looking past
           the wiles of the liar's
              mask, and only to the
                 eyes of the prize
                    coming in the skies.

Look up, my friends.

Matthew 24:4-5, 24
Revelation 1:7

*So you won't be deceived by anti-christs
and false messiahs in the end of days:

-know the Truth; the more you know Him,
  the less likely you are to be fooled
-read, re-read, and keep reading
  your Bible, the whole book's about Jesus
-follow Him each and every day as
  His Spirit inside you so leads
-gather with others who know the Truth
  and follow Him too
-continue in prayer without ceasing,
  stay attached to Jesus as a life line
-test every spirit, confirm in His
  Word, and presume the devil, the
  world and your flesh will try hard to
  mislead you
-every day put on anew the full
  Armour of God

by J Alan R
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